As Brain Tumour Awareness Month comes to a close this Thursday, 28th March, people are being encouraged to put on their favourite hat, be it at home, work or while with friends and family to mark the occasion. Alternatively, you may like to hold your own hat-themed event, a coffee morning or a fun run/ walk on the day.
Over 830 people are diagnosed with a brain or central nervous system (CNS) tumour in Ireland each year, with many contacting Brain Tumour Ireland (BTI) for support following a diagnosis.
Share a selfie on your social media platforms wearing your chosen hat and tag Brain Tumour Ireland in the selfie to help raise awareness of brain tumours and to enter their selfie competition. You can use the following hashtags #WearAHatDay2024 #WearAHatDay #CrownYourCeann.
This year, Irish designer Rashhiiid is kindly donating a hat to the winner of our Wear a Hat Day selfie competition!
You can text BTI to 50300 to donate €4, which will help Brain Tumour Ireland to continue to spread awareness, provide support and fund much needed research for brain tumours.
For further information, visit: https://braintumourireland.com/wearahatday2024/