Feed The Heroes, a national fundraising effort set up just three weeks ago to raise money to provide Ireland’s critical frontline workers with nutritious meals as they front Ireland’s response to the COVID-19 emergency, has raised over €754,000.
To date, more than 36,000 meals have been delivered nationwide with a large portion now outside of the hospital setting in areas like COVID-19 testing centres, contact tracing units, paramedic services, fire brigade and Gardai.
This week Mars Ireland and Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles Ireland are teaming up with Feed The Heroes to deliver over 21,000 Mars Ireland Easter Eggs donated to the critical frontline workers across the country, including hospitals in Dublin, Cork, Galway and Kerry.
Feed The Heroes is a national not-for-profit fund set up in response to the COVID-19 emergency to thank and support Ireland’s frontline workers.
The fund is being used to help provide the workers and volunteers fronting the effort to combat Ireland’s biggest ever public health crisis with a warm, nutritious meal as a token of our appreciation, for the work that they are doing on our behalf.

Feed The Heroes is partnering with restaurants and catering companies to prepare the meals and coordinating with frontline teams to ensure they get to where they are needed.
Established by Cian O’Flaherty and Tad McAllister to raise €1,000 to fund a few meals, an overwhelming response has seen more than €754,000 raised from over 13,500 donations over the last three weeks.
Feed The Heroes has now delivered 36,000 meals nationwide with an appetite to do much more. Each meal costs an average of €7 to prepare and deliver.
The more money that is raised, the more meals that can be delivered to the critical frontline workers.
Commenting, Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles Alan Bateson Director said; “We are delighted to be able to support Feed The Heroes in some small way with the use of our vehicles. Together with Mars, who donated Easter Eggs, we can say a small thank you to the Front Line Workers in our hospitals this Easter. I am delighted with my team at Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles for their work on this initiative.
For more information please click on www.feedtheheroes.com