People say that a building could fall down on some teenagers and they would remain oblivious; the opposite could also be said to be true as when The Avondhu went to Upper Cork Street on Wednesday afternoon we witnessed just one boy, out of dozens and dozens of students walking past, notice the change at 49 Upper Cork Street.
The observant lad was pointing out to his friends how the hoarding at the front of the building was finally removed, and both the path and pedestrian crossing reopened to the public after two years and eight months. Access to the area was blocked off when the building collapsed on the 7th July 2021, exactly five years and one day after it was originally put on the council’s Derelict Sites Register.
Cork County Council confirmed to The Avondhu late last week that the hoarding would be removed on Monday this week, and the pedestrian crossing reinstated the next day. The rain pushed those plans out by 24 hours and by 1pm on Tuesday all hoarding and bricks were removed from the area.
Full story in this week’s Print & Digital Edition