Local Enterprise Office Cork North and West have announced details of their latest Speed Networking event ‘The Only Way is Up’ with the keynote speaker renowned mountaineer, Corkman Pat Falvey.
Pat is a high-altitude mountaineer, polar explorer, expedition leader, author, corporate and motivational speaker and is sure to inspire those in attendance.
Springfort Hall Hotel, Mallow is the venue on Monday, March 2, 2020, 8am -11am and the fee is €10.
The timetable is as follows: 8am Event open with Network opportunity, tea and coffee and refreshments; 8.05am Welcome address by head of enterprise Kevin Curran; 8.15am ‘The Only Way is Up’ with keynote speaker Pat Falvey; 9.30am Speed Networking facilitated by Theresa Mulvihill; 10.45am Closing remarks and time to do business; 11am Event close.
Book online: www.localenterprise.ie/CorkNorthandWest/Training-Events/Online-Bookings/North-Cork-Speednetworking-Event11.html