616,000 people between 30 and 55 suffered stress in the last 12 months in Ireland.
Mild to moderate stress is pervasive, with feelings of worry the most common manifestation reported by 37% of those surveyed. 23% had headaches and 17% sleep disruption, whilst others testified to fatigue, upset stomach and aching muscles.
While short bursts of stress will pump enough cortisol, also called the stress hormone, round the body to meet work deadlines, however stress in excess or over a protracted period can impact our health.
Now scientists have discovered a good bacteria which can reduce the level of our stress hormone, cortisol.
The scientists at PrecisionBiotics® – who discovered this natural 1714-Serenitas bacterial culture – have now harnessed it to create Zenflore® to support the mind and body during demanding times.
This culture has been shown to increase the activity in the areas of the brain associated with emotions, learning and memory.
It does this by becoming part of the gut microbiota that plays a role in the dialogue between the brain and the gut.
With added B vitamins included in each capsule, Zenflore provides a complete support. It costs approximately €1 per day (€32.95 for a month’s supply) and is available from good pharmacies and selected health food stores.