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Tanya Shanahan was the life and soul of the party, wherever she went, whether it was dancing in the pub on a Friday night or piping up with hilarious descriptions for every number at bingo.
Tanya sadly passed away on Sunday, February 10 in CUH after a short illness and now without the vibrant 24-year-old, life will not be the same for those who were close to her.
She was well known for being up for a laugh and was always a bit of craic and now the bingo hall and Cheers in Fermoy simply are not the same without her.
Tanya wanted to be a part of everything and on a Friday night she would be sipping her 'vodka and 7Up' (which was just 7Up) and using her biro as a cigarette and she would be centre of attention for whatever was going on - come hell or high water, she was always out dancing on a Friday night.
The staff and her friends at COPE in Fermoy were the light of Tanya's life and her family would like to thank all those who brought so much joy into her short life.
They would also like to thank Tricia Whealey, who used to bring Tanya to COPE on Thursdays and every Friday, they would go shopping, go see a film or do something fun to while away the hours.
Tanya will be fondly remembered by her siblings Carly and Sean and parents Jack and Bernie, for whom life will never be the same and all those fortunate to have made her acquaintance. For the rest of their days, going to the pub on a Friday night, dancing along to a good song, going to bingo and watching television with the remote that Tanya coveted, will all be experiences that will be tinged with sadness.
Tanya's Month's Mind Mass will take place in St Patrick's Church, Fermoy on Wednesday, March 20 at 7.30pm.
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