Talk on Mitchelstown soldiers in Flanders Fields


Talk on Mitchelstown soldiers in Flanders Fields

The Mitchelstown soldiers who fought in WWI in Flanders Fields, will be the topic of a lecture being hosted by the local heritage society.

Saturday, 23 February 2013
1:00 PM GMT

Starting their series of lectures, the Mitchelstown Heritage Society have invited Bill Power to speak about the Mitchelstown Soldiers in Flanders Fields on Wednesday next, February 27 at 8pm in the Town Hall. The talk was compiled by Bill following a recent visit to the battlefields and war graves on the continent.

Speaking about how interesting it will be for people who have a keen historical interest or those who want to connect vast global events to our own local area, chairman of the society, Andrew Dineen said that the talk will include photos of the graves where the fallen lay and stories of the young men, many of whom were from the local area.

“Among the many stories of local interest are those of Michael Parker, buried at Mendingham; Cpt. Thomas O’Brien at Bethune and John O’Connell from Glanworth. The poignant story of Captain Victor Rickard, the son-in-law of Canon Courtney Moore will underscore the enormous tragedy of this waste of life.

“Many Mitchelstown people probably remember stories of those who returned and were shunned, hiding medals and evidence of their heroic struggle for survival in the mire of the trenches.

“It is estimated that 40,000 Irish men died in WWI, over 30 were from Mitchelstown. Our national silence on this part of our history is demonstrated by the fact that up to 10 years ago, no national memorial existed on the continent to remember these men,” Mr Dineen said. 


He added that thousands of men lie scattered across the fields of France and Belgium with no one to remember them and so this stirring and evocative talk raises the question of whether or not it is time to remember those from Mitchelstown who ranked amongst the fallen.

Mr Dineen said that Mitchelstown Heritage Society would like to thank Bill for stepping forward after unforeseen circumstances required a last minute change in lecture.

“We hope to reschedule Rev. Eileen’s talk, in the near future. All are welcome at what promises to be an informative and evocative talk by Bill Power. This lecture will begin a series of monthly lectures, which will lead into the exciting programme of outings planned by the society for the spring, summer and autumn. There will be a small charge at the door, refreshments will be served afterwards.”

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