A sun kissed glow whatever the weather!

The sun may not always (or hardly ever!) be shining for us here but doesn’t mean you can’t get a sunskissed glow!

With Dr Hauschka’s new formula Tinted Day cream it has never been so easy to achieve a hydrated, subtle and natural glow for your face and neck.

Priced at just €28.95 the new formula Tinted Day Cream combines nourishing avacado and almond oils with protective rose wax, beeswax and quince seeds helping to provent dryness by balancing the skin’s oil and moisture levels.

Rose, quince and St. John’s wort tone the skin and support elasticity, while rose water and extracts of kidney vetch have a balancing and harmonising effect.

Suitable for normal, dry, sensitive and mature skin, the Tinted Day Cream nourishes each skin type and blends with your own natural skin tone for an even complexion adding a sun kissed glow to your face and neck.

The new formula Tined Day Cream is hitting shelves across the country now and is available locally at Horan’s Health Store (Mitchelstown and Fermoy) and Mellerick Pharmacy (Fermoy).