Summer festival celebrations in Shanballymore

GREAT ORGANISERS: Shanballymore Festival organisers who did a great job last weekend, l-r: John Buckley, Eoin McHugh, Maria O'Leary, Padraig Fitzgerald, Patrick Irwin, Vanessa Buckley, Caroline O'Grady and Majella Noonan. (Pic: John Ahern)

Gold medals might have been a bit thin on the ground, however, this didn’t prevent the Shanballymore Townlands Olympics going ahead last Sunday.

‘The Games’ were the centrepiece of what was a very busy weekend for the organising committee. Indeed, competition was as fierce as anything we saw in Paris and encouraged by what they’ve achieved, the plan is to incorporate synchronised swimming and Greco Roman wrestling into next year’s progamme.


Shanballymore Community Centre, Shanballymore GAA Field and The Corner House Bar are important social hubs and all three played an important part in last weekend’s festival.

Full story in this week’s Print & Digital Edition