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Some progress for Gaelscoil de h-Íde

The news this week that the disposal process on a 4-acre site in Fermoy from the Dept of the Environment to the Dept of Education for a new gaelscoil is underway, goes some small way to relieve the anxiety that parents, students and teachers have being going through.

Thursday, 18 September 2014
8:50 AM GMT

The news this week that the disposal process on a 4-acre site in Fermoy from the Dept of the Environment to the Dept of Education for a new gaelscoil is underway, goes some small way to relieve the anxiety that parents, students and teachers have being going through.

The news this week that the disposal process on a 4-acre site in Fermoy from the Dept of the Environment to the Dept of Education for a new gaelscoil is underway, goes some small way to relieve the anxiety that parents, students and teachers have being going through.

The news this week that the disposal process on a four acre site in Fermoy from the Department of the Environment to the Department of Education for a new Gaelscoil is underway, goes some small way to relieve the anxiety that parents, students and teachers have being going through.

The site is still subject to conveyancing and is located on the Duntahane Road in the town. The turning of the sod can not come quick enough for the 400 plus students who have to endure severely cramped conditions on a daily basis.

One can easily understand the hope of all those involved that the conveyancing process will be executed swiftly and not be unduly delayed. Getting the news on the site to this stage has caused an amount of stress, shored up against claim and counter-claim that the site was/was not secured. This week's announcement however, may go some way towards defending Minister Sherlock, who claimed all along that this procedure was well in hand.

There is a long road ahead however, before a Minister for Education will cut the tape on the new Gaelscoil so, county councillors and ministers take note of the warning issued by the Gaelscoil's action group: 'We will be monitoring it very closely'!

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