SETU and DCU join forces for advanced manufacturing course

Pictured at SETU Carlow for the launch of a Level 9 IMI 4 (Innovative Materials for Industry 4.0) programme being run by SETU and DCU. Back: Assistant professor, Additive Manufacturing, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at DCU Muhannad Ahmed Obeidi; IMI 4 Programme Director and Course Lead at SETU David Culliton; Centre manager of Advanced Processing Technology Research Centre (APT) at DCU Sithara Sreenilayam. Front: SETU students Jade Stanley, Phuoc Huynh and Samira Nazari. (Photo: Patrick Browne)

South East Technological University (SETU) has announced a unique collaboration with Dublin City University (DCU) for a new course in advanced manufacturing delivered using Virtual Reality (VR).

The Level 9 IMI 4 (Innovative Materials for Industry 4.0) programme is scheduled to commence in mid-September.

The programme is targeted at people interested in furthering their careers in advanced manufacturing. It introduces a novel approach that includes four technical modules and a self-selected work-related project, aimed at guiding the learner through the structured phases of Problem-Solving, focusing on the practical application of skills that will help them gain relevant industry expertise.

The IMI4 Programme has been developed by a HCI PIII-funded SETU-DCU Partnership; the first time two leading universities in Ireland have come together to offer a course like this.

The programme entails hands-on laboratory training delivered through active 360° VR learning environments. To facilitate this innovative training approach, VR Headsets will be provided as necessary.

The programme offers a high level of flexibility, with classes conducted online allowing people from any geographical location to enrol. The course also offers a micro-credentialing system, which will allow participants  to tailor it  to individual learning preferences and goals.

Enrolment is now open for the IMI 4 programme. Application forms for the course can be found at