Second Euros for Rathcormac native

CITY CHAMPIONS AGAIN - Shayne Murphy, a Rathcormac native and consultant for City Football Group, pictured with some of the silverware attained by Man City, who were only crowned Premier League champions on Sunday.

Rathcormac native, Shayne Murphy is preparing to set out with the Scottish national team for the UEFA Euro 2024 Championship which takes place in Germany this June.

Mr Murphy, a consultant for City Football Group, one of the world’s leading football organisations, said that he is looking forward to the challenge that the soccer championships will bring, with Scotland set to play in the high profile opening game against hosts Germany.  

“It’s amazing. It’s a privilege to be there. It’s my second Euros with Scotland. I did the first one during Covid and there just wasn’t the same feel to it. This one feels a bit different,” he told The Avondhu this week.  

Full story in this week’s Print & Digital Edition