School life chronicled in St. Colman’s Fermoy annual, An Colmanach
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'An Colmánach', St. Colman's College, Fermoy's annual which chronicles life and times at the college, can trace its origins all the way back to the 1920s.
The high quality publication is produced in-house by ICT staff and students. The purpose of the annual is threefold; to showcase St. Colman's College academic year in print and online; to provide a memento school annual/yearbook for future record and to raise funding to improve educational facilities in the college. It also helps students develop their literacy, narrative and marketing skills.
This year it features a variety of articles about activities in and around St. Colman's and the community, as well as an extensive photographic record of the school year and the Class of 2014 Yearbook.
The circulation of 'An Colmánach', which literally means 'The Colmanite', is primarily to college students, staff and their families but there's also keen interest always from the Past Pupils Union network. They are made available in local shops, newsagents and service stations within a 25km radius of Fermoy.
Later in the year a digital version of the annual will be available online on a dedicated website - Past editions are also be available for viewing and download.
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