Covid-19 restrictions have claimed a host of social, economic, cultural and sporting events – with each passing day this list is added to.
The prestigious John Hartnett 10km road run looked like being the latest casualty, until a group of local activists stepped in with Plan B.
Thanks to some flexibility and creativity, the event is going ahead next Sunday at 12 noon, albeit, in a changed format.
According to one of the event organisers, Kevin Cogan, the new look event is being held to raise funds for Pieta House.
“After some consideration we’ve decided to go ahead with the run and in the process, hopefully, raise funds for Pieta House, an organisation that does outstanding work. While it’s disappointing that there can’t be mass participation, we hope people will support those that are taking part,” he told The Avondhu.
A small group of runners are scheduled to take part in the run which will comprise 3 laps of the village – participants will set off at intervals.
Support Pieta House
Darkness into Light is a huge source of revenue for Pieta House and its cancellation is a significant blow to the charity that assists those battling depression.
With this in mind, organisers of the new look John Hartnett 10k road run have set up a GoFundMe page, www.gofundme.com/f/john-hartnett-10k-run-for-pieta-house
To date, the fund has raised almost €2,000 with more money pledged. Organisers take this opportunity to thank all those who have given so generously.