Rathcormac Game and Wildlife Club offers unique Christmas gift idea
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Rathcormac Game and Wildlife Club’s Nature Reserve in Corrin is taking shape with phase 1 completed and phase 2 well under way. If all goes according to plan, the whole project should be completed for next summer. For photos and updates visit their website on www.rathcormacgameandwildlifeclub.ie.
One of the novel fundraising ideas that the club came up with is the planting of 100 native hardwood trees on the reserve. For any donation of €100, the club will plant and maintain a tree for 100 years in honour of the donor, their family or a loved one. The trees will be numbered and the donor’s names will be listed on the club’s web page and on the reserve notice board. An A4 size certificate will be issued to the donors listing their name and tree number and the families will be encouraged to visit the reserve as often as they wish and check their tree’s growth.
They are suggesting the gift of a tree as a Christmas present for people this year. A tree is for life, they point out, and there is no doubt that a present like that would be appreciated and will certainly last longer and outlive most other Christmas gifts. John Howard of Rathcormac GWC informs us that there are already 40 people committed to purchasing trees with 20 fully paid up and listed on the website. As the club is only planting 100 trees, it would be advisable to purchase one as soon as possible. The most recent donation has come from a gun club as far away as Carnlough in Co Antrim. Any club, organisation, school or group that would like to be associated with this wonderful idea should contact club chairman, Billy Finnegan on 086-8552537 or John Howard 025-36253. For direct payments, the club’s bank account details are also on the website.
The club would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have donated or helped in any way during the year and they kindly include this newspaper in the list of those to whom they extend gratitude for support given.
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