Public information day on bullying


Public information day on bullying

To coincide with this Saturday’s information day on the issues of bullying, car stickers will be distributed in the town on the day as part of a ‘Fermoy says no to bullying’ campaign.

Friday, 18 January 2013
8:00 AM GMT

With the issue of bullying very much in the public consciousness at present, an information day on the subject in Fermoy this Saturday is expected to attract considerable interest.

The day is being hosted by the newly-established Fermoy Anti-Bullying Centre and will be held in the Grand Hotel from 11am.

Local primary and post-primary schools have been notified of the event by letter and e-mail with teachers, students and their parents invited to attend. Schools have been asked to pass the information on to their boards of management and parents association members.

Staff from the centre will be on hand to answer any questions people may have on the day and will be available to assist school staff in dealing with any incidents of bullying they may be experiencing.

As a means of raising awareness of the anti-bullying centre and highlighting the work it does, car stickers will be distributed in the town on Saturday as part of a ‘Fermoy says no to bullying’ campaign. The campaign will also see shops and local businesses issued with stickers to display in their premises to convey that they will not condone bullying on their premises.

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