A high percentage of parents (73%) should start creating healthy eating habits in their children as babies (birth – 2 years).
74% of people believe that involving children in healthy cooking at home would have a big impact on their future adoption of healthy eating habits.
83% of people would be interested in enrolling their kids in a school where healthy breakfast and lunch options are being provided on a daily basis.
In terms of paying of paying each month to the school for the provision of healthy breakfast and lunch options to children, people believe it would be reasonable to pay €1 – €10 (21%), nothing, it should be free (20%), and €11 – €20 (17%).
The Healthy Food for Life resources define the Irish Government recommendations on healthy eating and balanced diets.
Research shows that excess consumption of foods with high amounts of fat, salt, and sugar, in addition to low levels of vegetables and fruit intake, can an important role in increasing our development of chronic diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer.
95% of people say that it is important for their children to have a balanced healthy diet (63% very important; 32% important). This is the highest for the oldest age cohort, 55+ (72% of people say very important).
While 46% of people believe that is difficult to decline their children’s request for junk unhealthy food or treats (35% difficult; 11% very difficult).
The findings from iReach Insights, show that the top 3 reasons chosen for contributing to healthy eating are daily use of home-cooked meals from scratch with fresh natural ingredients (73%), involving children in healthy food cooking at home/school/etc.
(71%), and constantly reminding and educating the child on the huge risks associated with unhealthy eating (49%).