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Kilworth Festival 2012 was by any standards a wonderful success, the community came together to celebrate our great little village and enjoyed a week filled with activities and fun. From the mini Olympics, the vintage soccer and hurling matches (hilarious!), the quizes and treasure hunts, the elegant Ladies night to the Fair in the Square (the singers, actors, runners, bakers and artists) the atmosphere and festive mood was contagious. As well as raising funds for the community council it created a wonderful community spirit and brought Kilworth’s new residents together.
All the local and surrounding businesses, local pubs, clubs and indeed individuals generously, through their time, sponsorship or expertise helped make the event possible. The people of Kilworth acknowledge your support and are indeed grateful for it. The festival would like to again express its gratitude to the volunteers who gave up their time (on a very wet Sunday morning ) to help set up the square.
An open meeting is being held in Heaphy Grove on Wednesday, February 20 at 8pm to the get Kilworth Festival 2013 plans underway. If anyone is interested in becoming part of this event we would like you to join us on the night, we understand a full commitment to a committee can be difficult but consider being on one of the events sub committees which only involves the planning of one event. We are of course looking for people to volunteer their time durring the festival week.
As a member of the Kilworth community you are very welcome to come to the meeting with any ideas for the festival – so get your imagination going and think of an event that will both create fun and that potentially raise funds for your village.
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