Noise of speed ramps disrupting residents' sleep


Noise of speed ramps disrupting residents’ sleep

A speed ramp in Fermoy is causing sleepless nights for residents on the street where it’s installed, with the matter raised at the town council meeting this week.

Saturday, 23 March 2013
8:30 AM GMT

Residents of Devlin Street in Fermoy are enduring unacceptable noise from a speed ramp installed on the street which is proving very stressful, Fermoy town councillor John Murphy told the monthly meeting of the town council this week.

He produced a petition signed by residents asking for something to be done as their sleep is being disturbed by motorists going over the speed ramp outside house No. 10 at speed. Cllr. Tadhg O’Donovan pointed out that the ramps were put down on a temporary basis. Cllr. Dolan-Moore said they were put down as they were badly needed for traffic calming.

Cllr. Olive Corcoran said she’d been approached by a man who feared the ramps would be removed. That wasn’t going to happen, she was told, as they were badly needed in the area. “The traffic there is unreal,” Cllr. Noel McCarthy said.

Town engineer Brendan O’Gorman said he’d have a report on the matter for their next meeting.

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