Night At The Dogs for Presentation Secondary

RACE NIGHT NOVEMBER 10TH: Presentation Secondary School, Mitchelstown are holding a race night in Curraheen Park, Cork on Friday, 10th November. The main race night sponsors are, Roche's SPAR, Mitchelstown and Hodgins Sausages, Mitchelstown. In attendance at the recent press launch were, l-r: Trevor Franks (Presentation Secondary School, Mitchelstown), Lorraine O'Keeffe (principal Presentation Secondary School, Mitchelstown), Willie Kenneally (Roche's SPAR, Mitchelstown), Mervin and Monica Hodgins (Hodgins Sausages) and Catherine Fitzgerald (Presentation Secondary Parents' Council). Tickets for the event (€€20) are now on sale. (Pic: John Ahern)

Presentation Secondary School, Mitchelstown are having a Night At The Dogs on Friday, 10th November in Curraheen Park, Cork. 

Organised in association with Presentation Secondary School, Mitchelstown Parents’ Council, the event represents an opportunity for some serious fundraising.

The race night launch took place recently with representatives from the two main sponsors (Roche’s SPAR, Mitchelstown and Hodgins Sausages, Mitchelstown) in attendance.

Speaking at the launch, deputy principal Trevor Franks said the school was fortunate to have the backing of a progressive and enthusiastic parents’ council who had a track record of excellence when it came to organising fundraising events.

He went on to acknowledge the financial support of Roche’s SPAR (represented by Willie Kenneally) and Hodgins Sausages (represented by Mervin and Monica Hodgins).

He concluded his remarks by stating the main beneficaries from the race night would be the pupils.

Guests were treated to a recital by the school choir before refreshments were served. A special word of thanks to Jack and Pat Norris for supplying two very well looked-after greyhounds for the launch.


Race night tickets (€20) are now on sale from the school. Each ticket admits 2 adults and 2 children which includes a race card. In addition, patrons qualify for the buster draw which has a €150 first prize.

The first race is timed for 7.45pm – further details available from the school or any parents’ council member.