A highly-successful pilot programme aimed at reintroducing experienced women to tech jobs after career breaks, is expanding nationally with programmes commencing this Autumn in Cork and Dublin.
Women ReBOOT aims to get so-called ‘Returners’ back into full-time roles, through a mix of coaching, online learning, networking skills and work placements in leading tech companies.
Software Skillnet believes that women who are qualified and experienced in the sector – who may have stepped out on career break to raise families or for other reasons, – can create a new pool of talent for companies. With a little support and upskilling, they could be just what tech companies are looking for.
The booming Digital Technology sector employs 120,000 people in Ireland but studies show the proportion of women employed in technology roles in Ireland is between 16 and 18%.
Up to 50 free places are now open for applications from women interested in returning to work in the technology sector. Information evenings will be held in in Cork on October 3 and Dublin on October 5. Registrations can be made at www.softwareskillnet.ie/women-reboot
Women ReBOOT specifically focuses on supporting ICT businesses to connect with experienced and competent female talent to fill specific roles and to support them in meeting their diversity objectives.