New online platform to increase job opportunities

Pictured at the launch of Abodoo, a global jobs platform for people who want a career from home was Vanessa Tierney, co-founder of Abodoo - a platform that matches people who want to work remotely with suitable roles.  (Pic: Marc O'Sullivan)

An online jobs platform for people who want a career from home, will make new career prospects more accessible for people by providing opportunities to work remotely.

The online platform – Abodoo – matches people who want to work remotely with suitable roles.  It was developed over the past 12 months, and is now accepting registrations from employers and people seeking to work from home.


Abodoo’s founders – Wexford couple Vanessa Tierney and Ben Wainwright – say technological advancements have unlocked the potential for people to establish quality careers while working from home.

“Thanks to high-speed broadband, cloud computing, screen-sharing, video-calling and instant messaging, it’s easy for employees to work effectively from home and to keep in touch with the rest of their team,” said Vanessa Tierney.  “This wouldn’t have been possible 10 or 20 years ago.

Currently, remote working job opportunities are difficult to find on standard jobs boards, and are typically for temporary or contractor positions.

Abodoo is the only free-to-access, dedicated remote working website with intuitive matching technology for careers: the platform has been built with both the employer and employee in mind and uses algorithms to ensure both candidates and businesses only see the best results.

Abodoo has attracted support from the IDA and open eir. The company plans to launch in the UK in the coming months, and to expand globally next year.

Employers and those seeking remote-working careers can register now at