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In the past month we have seen a damning report issued on the Garda debacle despite lengthy and continued denial by the Minister, the Taoiseach and others, that there was anything untoward going on in the force. There too was the charity fiasco. Complaints against members of the clergy went unheeded for decades as continued abuse was allowed to go unchecked. One would have thought we might have learned from that!
This week we hear calls for NAMA to address issues brought to light by the C&AG (Controller and Auditor General) in relation to its handling of the sale of a number of sites. One site (value €27m) was sold to an unknown purchaser not previously on a short list, after the initial winning bidder withdrew.
No evidence was provided to show how the purchaser was selected. In four other cases, there was no evidence that the properties had been openly marketed and no explanations given.
While it may be accepted in some quarters that NAMA are doing a good job, these again are very serious issues that NAMA need to address - NOW!
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