As one door opens it means another has closed and so it is for former councillors Kay Dawson and Frank Roche this week. Of the six seats in the Fermoy Municipal District, four have been retaken by previously-elected councillors, while two are brand new candidates which means both Mr Roche and Ms Dawson are now out of their seats.

Ms Dawson, a Mitchelstown Fine Gael councillor, was eliminated on the seventh count on Sunday afternoon and speaking with The Avondhu on Tuesday morning, Ms Dawson said that she wished the defeat ‘didn’t hurt so much'.

Castletownroche's Frank Roche, who was elected to the council in 2019, told The Avondhu that he was 'upset' at not being re-elected, stating "I did an awful lot of work, and I never turned off my phone day or night for five years."…

Full story in this week’s Print & Digital Edition