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Mitchelstown CBS Primary fly the flag for water safety

Mitchelstown CBS Primary has become the latest school to obtain the Water Safety Flag from Cork County Council.

Saturday, 24 January 2015
2:00 PM GMT

The CBS Primary in Mitchelstown has become the latest school to obtain the Water Safety Flag from Cork County Council.

The students were this week visited by Water Safety Development Officer for Cork County Council Caroline Casey, who spoke to the students about the importance of water safety, different issues to be aware of when around bodies of water and how to avoid specific dangers in places such as the beach and on farms.

Speaking to The Avondhu when she visited the students on Tuesday last, January 20, Caroline said that as she's been travelling around the schools, she's been getting great feedback on the programme from the students and staff. Caroline will be returning to the school in February to deliver the talk to other students within the school community.

She said that the students were all really interested in the topic and she has found that every school visit has been different, because it's the questions they ask and the hypothetical situations that they think of, which will lead the direction of her visit and what she covers.

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