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A new management development programme from the Local Enterprise Office in Mallow aimed at helping local small businesses accelerate their growth prospects, was completed in Mallow recently.
The ‘Accelerate Management Development Programme’ is geared towards owners and managers of Irish micro-enterprises in North Cork which commenced last September.
Through a series of specially-designed modules and one-to-one mentoring sessions, 11 small business owners in North Cork learned new management, leadership and business skills to drive their businesses forward.
The 11 participants from North Cork were: Victor O’Sullivan, Bluebell Falls, Charleville; Hannah McMahon, AirTake Photography; Jacqueline O’Farrell, Grove Health Spa, Shanballymore; Sheila O’Keeffe, Blackwater Castle, Castletownroche; Deirdre Hussain, Rodari Eyewear, Fermoy; Gwen Linehan, Cavanaghs of Charleville; Maura Hunter, MH Designs, Mallow; Frank Thornton, Health & Safety Services, Kanturk, Niall O’Rahilly Drew, Nord Carpentry & Building Services, Kanturk; Denis Lynch, Mallow Steel and Conor Walsh, Walsh Cooling Services, Mallow.
Mr Michael Hanley, Head of Local Enterprise presented the participants with their certificates on completing the programme and praised their efforts.
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