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Cappoquin Heritage Group launched a book remembering the Lonergan brothers Thomas and Noel, entitled ‘A Stitch in Time’ on Friday night.
Winnie’s Gang was on hand to provide some musical entertainment and the 256-page book was officially launched by Orla Flynn, head of the CIT Crawford College of Art and Design. Orla is the daughter of Rose Lonergan and niece of Noel and Thomas.
The book itself, with a beautiful cover design by Jacinta Uniacke sold like hot cakes on the night and the Parish Hall saw the re-staging of the Stitch in Time exhibition from last summer.
There were many lovely pieces read from the book on the night and here we include another ‘gem', this one from the pen of Jer Mason:
"It was always easy to take a walk down town, because it was down to the tailors I’d be going. You’d never know who you might meet there but you could be sure the conversation would be flowing as any subject came easy to them. I always admired the fact that although the tailors never ‘commanded’ respect they got it in spades from all age groups. On one such visit Noel held up a pair of trousers and asked "Are these yours"? I replied I wasn’t sure. "Well", said Noel, "your name is in the pocket". Who was I to dispute that filing system, and sure the trousers were probably back in fashion at that stage anyway. Paying for the work was always the difficult part, as the tailors never really embraced inflation. If, as most people did, you added in a few bob extra, Noel would be out the door after you saying ‘You’re way ahead of yourself there!
Their departure leaves a void that can never be filled. Ned, Thomas and Noel, thank you for the memories.’
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