Lightening the load


Lightening the load

In the words of my no-nonsense former mother-in-law “pull back from the table”.

Saturday, 28 September 2013
8:00 AM GMT

I knew I'd gone overboard when, during the week I found myself leaving a chemist's without the cough lozenges I'd gone in for. When I couldn't find the calorie content on the packet, I left them back, not wanting to risk the intake of unwanted calories in the midst of my current pressing weight loss endeavour. Besides, I reasoned, my hacking cough could well be helping me burn off calories, the paroxysms shaking my whole body. As good as any exercise, I thought. Then I knew I really was taking things to extremes.

With a stylish, expensive and pretty unforgiving outfit purchased for my oldest son's wedding in little over a week's time, I've been trying hard to shift the last few stubborn pounds that'll make the difference between me looking sylph-like and chic or akin to a sack of spuds. With the mother of the bride being a very elegant, stylish and naturally slim lady my competitive nature kicked in and I vowed to shed the extra pounds to look equally well on the big day.

And so it was that, at a party over the weekend, I passed on pavlova, cupcakes with butter icing, homemade rocky road and various other sweet treats that I'd normally indulge in to my sweet tooth's content. I was similarly disciplined when it came to the wine, switching to water after two glasses in my own unique take on the Wedding Feast of Cana miracle.  My resolve almost crumbled when the smell of bacon being grilled on Sunday morning got to me but I remained steadfast. Out for Sunday lunch with family and friends my willpower was again put to the test when it came time to order dessert, but the mental image of me struggling to fasten up the zip of my dress for the wedding helped me surmount yet another hurdle on my weight loss journey.

I could, of course, have started my diet earlier. But it was summer and there was ice-cream to be had. 99s with flakes were a twice-weekly treat. Strawberries couldn't be enjoyed without cream. And it was like I was on a Pavlovian odyssey as the yummy meringuey dessert popped up at every barbecue, garden party and outing I was at. A holiday away in Portugal also conspired to keep the pounds on. Again ice-cream was the culprit. So many different flavours to try, so little time. So I doubled up, with two scoops of different flavours each day. Holidays are no time for sacrifices after all.

I'm no stranger to dieting. I've tried them all. I've been a Weight Watchers and Unislim member. I've read countless books on the subject, in fact I could write one of my own. And of course I've come to that most banal conclusion - to lose weight you need to eat less. Or, in the words of my no-nonsense former mother-in-law "pull back from the table".

Exercise is of course an important part of any weight loss attempt. Having no interest in gyms or other forms of organised exercise doesn't help matters. Nor does having a largely sedentary job. I've never been to an exercise class in my life. I did once, many years ago, buy the actress Jane Fonda's famous workout video. I lay on the floor for weeks grimacing as I contorted myself to her exhortations to 'go for the burn'. That video was the biggest seller of all time. Some time later I was disgusted to find out that, in her efforts to look slimmer, she'd actually had her lower ribs removed! It didn't stop her going on to make loads more fitness videos but she'd lost my trust. The cheat!

My saving grace is having two dogs that need to be walked and who greet me expectantly each morning and evening. They guilt-trip me into going. They are happy to keep pace as I stride through the woods near the house. They don't judge me when I puff and pant or mock how ridiculous I look in my mismatched walking attire. They're just happy to be out.

The good news is that I've five pounds down and five to go. With a busy week ahead and plenty to take my mind off the upcoming nuptials, I'm confident that I'll get over the line. Then again it's when I'm under pressure that I tend to turn to the sweet things. Help!

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