Letters – Sorry for omission Helen!


Letters – Sorry for omission Helen!

I am hearing great reports from Ireland on the letter you so kindly printed in last week’s issue about the Hegarty visit to Conna

Friday, 23 August 2013
1:03 PM GMT

Dear Editor,

I am hearing great reports from Ireland on the letter you so kindly printed in last week’s issue about the Hegarty visit to Conna and surrounding areas during The Gathering.

I appreciate your running the entire letter as it was lengthy. I was in the newspaper business for 35 years and long letters sometimes gave us a headache.

Another headache was errors in letters and unfortunately, I made one in my letter to you. I referred to Helen Lyons, the owner of Springmount House B&B in Fermoy, as Helen Sheehan. Can you please correct this. My apologies to you Helen!

I appreciate your help and, once again, thanks for publishing the original letter.

Yours Sincerely,

Jim Hagarty,




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