Knockadea road issues addressed at Cork County Council area meeting
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A report was given at the April meeting of Fermoy Electoral Area Commitee of Cork County Council last week in response to concerns raised by a deputation of residents from Knockadea, Mitchelstown at their previous meeting.
The residents' main concerns are the width of the road near the clubhouse, the condition of the road generally and drainage - there's a problem with water pooling on the road.
They asked that the road be brought up to the same standard as the Toureen to Knockadea road which is currently in good condition. One of the deputation, Mr. Liam O'Callaghan, even offered the use of machinery such as tractors and dump trucks if it would help getting the required works done.
Senior area engineer, Brendan O'Gorman reported that the majority of the road was rated four, on their condition rating of 1-10, 10 being in excellent condition. Over 1.6 kilometres of the road falls into the four rating, he advised, but the road isn't on their current four year programme. "We are currently on year two of this programme. Over two kilometres of the road southwards past Derrylahan down to Ballyarthur has been resurfaced recently and is in good condition," he explained.
He said there are substantial open drains for long sections of the route that will have to be maintained, owing mainly to the gradient of the road and catchment area that drains to that point.
He's waiting on emergency funding this year for damage caused to the short section near the four crossroads and hopes to progress resurfacing there this summer. A spring is coming up through the road there, members were told. There was the possibility, the engineer said, of re-evaluating the following years strengthening programme by moving roads up and down the list or including new roads on the programme, depending on surface conditions. Any overlay or reconstruction there would incorporate road widening and provide piped culverts to short sections to facilitate passing traffic.
The engineer promised to continue to arrange routine patching and drainage in the area and said he'd brief members on any changes to the programme for future years. He also undertook to meet local residents and landowners once additional funding is in place.
Cllr. Frank O'Flynn said he sincerely hoped the emergency funding will come through.
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