On Saturday last, 24th September, after almost 70 years Jenny Hassett (Dublin), Willie (Douglas), Tom (Sundays Well) and Sean (Carrigaline) gathered at Temple Hill, Ballintemple to mark the burial place of their father Thomas Patrick Coleman and Baby Frances and Baby Fanahan.
Thomas Coleman was their father, as well as grandfather and great-grandfather to so many, who gathered to pay their respects. When Thomas Coleman a skilled plasterer died, at age 41 in 1947, he left behind a wife Maureen Coleman (nee Stackpoole), a native of Stannards Grove, Kildorrery, and five children.
Young Sean Coleman was born two weeks later. When he died the family could not afford a grave and his sister-in-law, Nan Mehegan, suggested he join her parents ‘as they always enjoyed his company. Also buried with him are two of his children Frances and Fanahan, who died shortly after their birth.
At that time in 1947 it was suggested to Maureen Coleman to keep the baby and put the five children into one of the children’s homes. Thankfully, with all we know now, she refused and whilst she struggled, she managed to raise her 6 wonderful children.
Coverage in this week’s Print & Digital Edition