It's showtime!


It’s showtime!

The Avondhu area must surely be the most prolific in the country when it comes to amateur dramatics!

Thursday, 21 February 2013
12:00 AM GMT

The Avondhu area must surely be the most prolific in the country when it comes to amateur dramatics! The number of drama groups showcasing their talents at this time of year, and probably to a lesser extent each autumn, is absolutely amazing as is the enthusiasm and appreciation shown by audiences for what they have to offer.

On Saturday night, the curtain came down on another hugely successful year for Mitchelstown Musical Society – surely their best to date. Here is a group of people that have proven just what can be achieved by simply wanting to be part of a team that are all playing towards the same goal. From humble beginnings a few short years ago, the spark from one man who will remain nameless (although everyone knows it’s Seanie), lit the fire under what has since grown to become an inferno. The standard is amazing! So, top marks and well done to all involved again this year.

At this stage there are few parishes in the area that is not involved in stage craft of some kind. And while some drama groups are once again setting out on the competitive trail, it is not all about competition. The local group that puts together a show or two each year in their own community hall, provides an invaluable platform both for the people who are participating and for their friends and neighbours who simply come out to support and enjoy the shows.

It is widely acknolwedged that the amateur drama movement in Ireland is second only to the GAA in size and following. Little wonder, judging by the amount of activity in this area alone!

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