Hot Country TV celebrates 15th birthday with huge concert in Mitchelstown

Eilish O'Sullivan and Hugh O'Brien of Hot Country TV.

Over the past 15 years, Cork native Hugh O’Brien has revitalised Country Music in Ireland and opened up a global audience for performers through the medium of his hugely successful Hot Country TV Shows.

Current weekly viewing figures for Hot Country are 44k on Sky TV and Free to Air Satellites and 146k on social media. To mark the fantastic success of Hot Country and its landmark 15th birthday, a series of concerts are set to take place across Ireland, beginning with a star studded event at the Firgrove Hotel in Mitchelstown on Monday night, September 30th.

While the show in its initial years showcased mainly Irish artists, Europe’s longest running Country Music TV Show now features performers from across the world, introducing them to a global audience on a weekly basis. In addition, all the shows can be viewed on and the Free HD App where potential promoters and fans alike can re visit videos of their favourite performers as often as they like.

Hot Country proprietor and presenter Hugh O’Brien said: “Hot Country has promoted talented country music artists since its launch in 2009 and will continue to do so as we move forward. The shows contributed hugely in launching the careers of many of the headline acts in country music today such as Mike Denver, Nathan Carter, Cliona Hagan, Derek Ryan, Jimmy Buckley and many others when they were starting off and needed exposure to gain traction in the business. Currently, we are promoting emerging artists such as Claudia Buckley, Effie Neill, Gavin Gribben, Dee Morrissey, Molly O’Connell and many more.”

Hot Country also provides a much needed platform for International Country Music artists and indeed its influence has reached right across the globe with popular South African based singer Cordelia recently making contact with the station and planning a visit to Ireland in April 2025.

“South Africa has a huge country music audience and Hot Country has a big following across the Southern Hemisphere as well,” Hugh O’Brien said.

Speaking about the initial launch of the station in 2009, he explained that it was quite a daunting endeavour.

“Without Leo Fitzgerald, who is the technical brains and editor, the show would never have been launched on Sky TV, it was a massive challenge and learning experience for us at the time. Our first show debuted on September 28th, 2009 and at that time it was the only Country Music show on Sky and Free to Air satellite channels. Very few TV shows were featuring Country Music but we changed all that and introduced popular Irish Artists into living rooms all over Ireland and across mainland Europe. Now, Hot Country leads the way in the promotion of Irish Country music across the world and will continue to do into the future.”

Along with shows presented by Proprietor Hugh O’Brien, the wonderful Eilish O’Sullivan from Innishannon in Cork presents her exceedingly popular show ‘Non Stop Country’ which has already garnered in excess of 27 thousand weekly viewers, while the ‘Life & Times’ shows featuring interviews with many top stars have also proved immensely popular with fans. Stalwarts of the Irish Country music scene have featured as well as American stars Charlie Pride, Tom T Hall and many more.

Forthcoming shows in this genre to watch out for include the Life & Times of Sandy Kelly which will hit the screens in December along with Foster & Allen, Mick Flavin, Johnny Carroll and John Hogan.

Not resting on his laurels as the face of Hot Country, Hugh O’Brien is also the mastermind behind the production team which offers an eight camera video production unit capable of recording all types of shows and studio videos with a full backing band provided.

Meanwhile, a host of Ireland’s top artists are vocal in their praise of Hot Country.

Derek Ryan: “I’m so grateful for the support of Hot Country over the years. Hot Country opened up our audience to a wider following throughout the whole of the UK, Europe and other parts of the world. Wishing them continued success, hold on to your hats!”

Michael English: “Hot Country was the first of its kind and since its inception has tirelessly and very successfully promoted Irish country music in Ireland and worldwide and we are all indebted to the show for all of that. Happy 15th birthday to everyone at Hot Country.”

Declan Nerney: “Hot Country was a brilliant idea thought up by Hugh O’Brien, it gave a worldwide platform for new acts to get their talents noticed and appreciated, a brilliant visionary man is Hugh O’Brien.”

Mike Denver: “Hot Country was instrumental in shaping country music into what it is today and also recognising new talent and bringing them to the attention of the viewers and making them stars of today.”

Effie Neill: “I remember as a child watching the man with the white hair and red tie and loving the music Hot Country brought to our screens at home, thanks for everything you’ve done for me Hugh.”

Louise Morrissey: “Hot Country is a huge platform for both established and upcoming country artists; I wish them continued success in the years ahead, and thanks for all the support given to me over the past 15 years.”

Foster & Allen: “Hot Country gives a huge platform worldwide to all Irish artists both established and new, airplay is very important for all artists.”

Trudi Lalor: “Hot Country, spearheaded by Hugh O’Brien has done an amazing job over the past 15 years keeping Irish country music to the fore. The awards show each year honours some of the best country music artists in Ireland, Best wishes Hugh and all the team at Hot Country and continued success and Keep On Keeping It Country.”

Paddy O’Brien: “Hot Country has been the backbone of our industry for the past 15 years, so here’s wishing all the team at Hot Country continued success for the future.”

Gerry Guthrie: “Huge congratulations to Hugh O’Brien and the team at Hot Country on 15 years bringing country music into the living rooms across Ireland, Europe and the world. Thanks for giving us a platform to showcase what we do.”

Hot Country broadcasts on Sky 588 Mondays 10-11pm also Free To Air Satellite and the Veusat Ireland Platform and NVTV Belfast local TV, followed by ‘Non Stop Country’ with Eilish 11-12 midnight. Both shows can be series linked recorded weekly – another first for Irish country music.

The series of Hot Country 15th Birthday Concerts will kick off at the Firgrove Hotel, Mitchelstown, on Monday night, September 30th. Top Artists appearing include Paddy O’Brien, Louise Morrissey, Effie Neill, Aishling Rafferty, Tony Kerry, Sheila Fitzgerald, Sean Wilson, Barry Doyle, Sabrina Fallon and Dee Morrissey.

Tickets can be obtained from and from the Firgrove Hotel ahead of the event and also at the door on the night.