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A number of fundraisers in Araglin to assist Pad O'Donovan from Barnahown have been very well supported. The most recent event was a road run over Christmas and this attracted a great crowd.
A raffle organized in conjunction with the run will take place in Christy's on Saturday, February 2 at 9pm. These tickets are available at a number of outlets - Christy's and Emmet's in Araglin and Tony's Shop and O'Sullivan's, Centra in Kilworth - tickets just €2 each or 3 for a fiver.
First prize is an electric motorbike sponsored by Jim Carey Car Sales, second prize is a garden shed sponsored by Nelgara Steel and 3rd prize is half a pig sponsored by Michael O'Doherty. A number of other prizes will also be added on the night.
Pad who suffered a severe stroke is receiving great assistance from his family and all monies raised are going to help with his on-going care.
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