A Taste of Cork and Waterford Food and Crafts will take place in the Marquee, Castlelyons on Sunday, August 20.
This is a huge undertaking by a very hard working committee and no stone is being left unturned to ensure that this will be a very successful event. The work on this is well underway and committee members are delighted with the massive interest being shown.
There will be something to interest everyone and a wide and varied selection of food and crafts will be on display for tasting and purchase.
Castlelyons Community Council will be remembered for their hosting of the Cork Makes It Exhibition which ran for 21 years in the 1980s and ’90s with great success. This event will be run on the same principles and with over 30 exhibitors already booked in, it surely speaks for itself.
To add more interest to the afternoon, live demonstrations/talks will be taking place every 30 minutes.
As this is a super ‘shop window’ for the Food and Craft industry, anyone wishing to book the limited space still available should immediately contact event co-ordinators Anne Barry 086-2381611, Liz Roche 086-8933162 and Anne Hegarty 087-7403616.
A Taste of Cork and Waterford Food and Crafts will be run in conjunction with the Carnival and School Re-union which will be staged in the Marquee in Fr Ferris Field from August 10-20 with a wide and varied programme being planned for all ages.
All profits made, will go towards reducing the debt in the Fr Ferris Field, a facility that is being used by all the sporting clubs in the parish, an amenity that boasts a state of the art playground which is used and loved by all the children, near and far.