Flocking to Tallow for annual fair

Margaret Bray from Melleray, right, with Tom and Frances Kenneally (Araglin) at last Tuesday's Tallow Horse Fair. (Pic: John Ahern)

The annual horse fair in Tallow took place last Tuesday. One of the country’s most popular fairs, this was reflected in the huge crowds that attended. Good weather helped boost the attendance.

Hundreds of traders made the trip to west Waterford in the hope of offloading a vast range of new and secondhand merchandise. Equine related products, household items, tools, toys, clothing and footwear were just of the goods being offered for sale. As is customary, many traders arrived on Monday to secure premium slots along the main street. Members of Garda Siochana, who were out in force, helped supervise traffic, the bulk of which was diverted around the village.


Horses of all shapes and sizes were offered for sale – good quality animals found new homes quickly, with less interest in plainer types.

Full story in this week’s Print & Digital Edition