Preparations are well underway in Kilfinane for the upcoming Limerick Fleadh Cheoil which will take place on the June bank holiday, from Wednesday, May 30 through to Monday, June 4.
The event was officially launched in the Church of Ireland in Kilfinane on Wednesday night, May 16th last.
The success of last year’s Fleadh was down to the great help from volunteers at the various competition and entertainment venues and we sought help again at the meeting.
It promises to be a great weekend packed with music, song and dance, and family fun events.

In addition to the Fleadh competitions which take place on the Saturday and Sunday, there will be a very full and varied programme of events over the period; from session trails, a music walking trail, historical walk, family fun in COI and busking on the main street.
Ballyhoura CCE are delighted to welcome the renowned ‘Cordeen’, who will play a gig in the Church of Ireland on Friday, June 1 as part of their Irish tour.
While on Saturday, June 2, Frankie Gavin and friends will entertain all with a free session on the ‘gig rig’ in the centre of the town.