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Castlehyde resident Michael Flatley is lending his support to the efforts of Nathan Kirwan (26) from Currabinny, Carrigaline who, although 85% paralysed, has been attempting to complete a 55,000 step ‘marathon’ in an Exoskeleton, in order to raise funds to keep the device in Ireland.
Essentially the exoskeleton is a robotic machine powered by a motor that is worn by someone to enable limb movement. Therefore it helps people that can’t walk, to walk.
Next month a blacktie Charity Ball will take place in Cork City Hall to celebrate the achievements of a team of wheelchair users who rallied behind Nathan’s efforts. All proceeds will go towards the purchase of the exoskeleton machine, which is based in a public gym, Elite, in Cork, so that all suitable wheelchair users in Ireland can access it. Incredibly it is the only Exoskeleton in the world in a regular gym.
Nathan Kirwan became 85% paralysed after a fall in 2013. He began the 5 month marathon challenge in May, and over the months, other wheelchair users benefiting from the device completed parts of the marathon when he encountered unforeseen challenges. Nathan, while overwhelmed, welcomed the team support. Walking a few steps, never mind a 55,000 step ‘marathon’, would have been impossible for any of them without the exoskeleton.
The Lord Mayor of Cork will acknowledge this show of solidarity when Nathan walks the final steps of the challenge, on behalf of the team, into City Hall in front of 600 guests and the Carrigaline Choral Choir on October 10th.
This exoskeletal device is now being used by a multitude of people from all over Ireland with conditions ranging from the effects of strokes to symptoms of MS and spinal cord diseases. It costs €150,000 and if it is not financed in full before December it will have to be returned to the manufacturer. €60,000 has been raised so far, via online and fundraising, so they still have a good way to go. Michael Flatley has pledged a significant donation to the cause through his Flatley Foundation.
“Nothing is impossible. That has always been my motto, and Nathan is living proof of that. He is giving hope to every suitable wheelchair user who wants to have the benefits of walking. He is leading the way and others are following and together they will achieve the impossible by walking the equivalent of a marathon. Nathan feels passionately about making sure that as many people as possible have access to the device that has improved his quality of life and that of others. I am asking the public to get behind this young man’s efforts to keep this bionic exoskeleton in Ireland by donating €2 online at:”
For wheelchair users the exoskeleton greatly enhances blood flow, helps to retain bone density, reduces muscle atrophy and promotes better bladder and bowel function as well as giving the user a sense of sheer elation. Information on the blacktie charity ball can be obtained by contacting Olive Downey on 086 3357424 or by emailing
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