Following on from the success of last year’s inaugural ‘Young Writer’ competition, Fermoy Rotary Club has launched its 2020 competition which is open to all pupils in the primary schools in the Fermoy area.
This year the theme of the competition is: ‘What I can do to save planet earth?’, a very topical subject which should get all those creative juices working!
Entries must be on one side of a single A4 sheet (typed or written). Rotary is looking for the most interesting and creative entries. Once again, Synergy Credit Union Fermoy is the sole sponsor of the competition.
Last year Fermoy Rotary Club received over 550 entries from 20 primary schools in the area, with the overall winner’s prize being awarded to Aoibhinn Cremin, 6th Class, Grange NS.
A special Education prize was awarded to Harry Burke, Bishop Murphy Memorial School, Fermoy and the youngest prize winner was Essie Lennon, aged 6, Senior Infants, Glanworth NS.
This year prizes will be awarded to each class as well as 1st, 2nd and 3rd overall, plus an overall winner. So opportunity shines for all you young scribes, get the entry form and get writing!
Closing date is Friday, March 25 and entry forms will be delivered to each school by a member of Fermoy Rotary Club and will be available from the school secretary.