Fermoy GAA Handball Club
Fermoy boys on Cork B team in u15 doubles Sean Hogan and Jamie Burke will play for Cork in Nenagh in the B team and un U12 trials, Cameron O’Sullivan will play Cormac Hartnett, Boherbue.
This game will be played this week to see who plays for Cork B team. Hayden Supple will play in the u11 nationals. This will be played in the next few weeks.

In the adult section Jamie O’Donnell, Fermoy was defeated by Fergal McWilliams, Wexford two games to one. Tim McDonagh, Fermoy was defeated by Ciaran McCallan, Dublin. These were the All Ireland semi-finals in the over 35 B doubles. Tom and Jamie were defeated by Wexford in Conna last week.
So far this year our juveniles have won 14 gold medals and more to come as we have the 1 wall and 60×30 to follow. We are lucky to have Ballyporeen so close to us and the Bally Club are very obliging to leave us use the court.
We would like to thank the Ballyporeen Club for their congratulations and also the Fermoy GAA as well for their good wishes.
Training on Tuesday 6.30 to 7.30, Thursday 5-6 and Saturday 11-1pm. Please note that beginners to come half hour earlier.