FRS Training, FBD and the HSA are demonstrating Farm Safety Live at the Tullamore Show on Sunday 14th of August.
Farm Safety Live brings three farm hazard areas to the show in an engaging way and promises to deliver practical know how that can be applied back on the farm. Showing farm families ‘how easy it can be done, when you know how’ is the aim of Farm Safety Live. The focus will be on Safe Livestock Handling, Safe PTO Operations and Safe Bale Handling.
Last year in Ireland, fatalities in agriculture were down by 40%, with 18 deaths reported compared to 30 in 2014, four of which were child fatalities.
Although the fall in figures was welcomed farming is still the most dangerous occupation and non-fatal accidents stand at approximately 1,000 per year.
“These are not just statistics,” explains Pat Griffin, Senior Inspector with HSA and member of the Farm Safety Partnership, “behind each story is a grieving family, a community in shock, and a farm that needs to continue being farmed no matter what has happened.”
On a farm, as with any business, the number one resource is the people.
“A farm accident – whether fatal or causing serious trauma – can have awful, potentially lifelong consequences for a business, not to mention family and sadly, deaths or injuries occurring on a farm are preventable more often than not. We know that we need to engage with farmers of all ages to make farms safer places to work and through farm safety live at the Tullamore Show the HSA aim to do just that.”
Jim Dockery, FRS Training Manager and member of the Farm Safety Partnership, said “Farmers are doers, but farmers need to know there may be a safer way of doing things. That is why FRS Training got involved – to bring the practical know how to getting jobs done safely on the farm. Sometimes it is the simplest thing that causes the horrific accidents and we want to put a stop to this and get everyone to farm safely.”
Ciaran Roche, Vice Chairman Farm Safety Partnership, Risk Manager FBD said; “Farmers everywhere can join with us to prevent accidents and hopefully save lives by joining the Champions for Change programme. Changing our usual way of doing things can be challenging but because farming is a tough and demanding occupation with plenty of workplace hazards, it’s time to stop taking risks and prevent any unnecessary heartache.”
Make sure you give time to safety at the Tullamore Show and visit Farm Safety Live.
Get involved and you could win a nice prize on the day and visit www.facebook.com/farmsafetylive for a chance to win complimentary tickets and to find out what you can expect to see on the day of the show.
Visit www.tullamoreshow.com for more general show information.