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FACE - a Fermoy based organisation that works with children who have specific learning difficulties, hope to raise much needed funding through their involvement in the forthcoming Bord Gais Energy Cork City Marathon, which takes place on Bank Holiday Monday, 3rd June.
Supporting the FACE fundraiser are Michael Ennis (Avondhu Motor Factors, Fermoy) and Allan Cuthbert (Special Needs Financial Planner). Both men were present for last Thursday evening's launch outside Avondhu Motor Factors in Fermoy. Others involved in the venture include: Darragh Wiley, Mariska Smit, Pat Canning, Olga Smyth, Yvonne Seymour and Emily Bolton.
With a busy programme of workshops and teenage activities to fund, cash flow is vital if FACE are to continue their important work. Previous fundraisers have been well supported and organisers are very hopeful that the public will once again give generously.
Anyone interested in running the marathon or being a relay team member, or if you wish to sponsor any of the participants, feel free to ring the dedicated FACE telephone number - 087-2278459.
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