The opening of applications for a €19m fund to support early learning and care and school age childcare providers this summer has been announced.

The funding will be made available to services offering state supported childcare from June 2019.

The Programme Support Payment recognises the additional time required of providers of Department of Children and Youth Affairs funded early learning and care and school age childcare programmes, to complete the administrative work associated with the scheme. 

The payment also recognises the time required to perform activities outside of contact time with children, such as preparing materials for early learning and care sessions and assisting parents in understanding how they might benefit from the various schemes supported by the State.

The payment will be calculated as equal to 7 days’ (1.4 weeks’) registrations for ECCE at Standard Capitation, and 14 days’ (2.8 weeks’) registrations for CCS(P) and TEC.


The opening of applications has been welcomed by Deputy Kevin O’Keeffe, who said he was delighted to see such an important section getting much needed funding, which will assist services offering state supported childcare.  

“The Programme Support Payment supports early learning and care and school age childcare programmes. I strongly encourage submission of applications and please contact my office if we can be of any assistance. Please note that this opened for applications on Monday, 13th May with payments to issue at the end of June 2019,” said Deputy O’Keeffe.


The application window for PSP is now open for six weeks until Friday, 21 June 2019 and the application form can be accessed through the Programmes Implementation Platform (PIP). Payments will begin to issue after the application window closes. 

The Programme Support Payment recognises the additional time required of providers of DCYA-funded early learning and care and school age childcare programmes, to complete the administrative work associated with the scheme.