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The very noticeable ‘stretch’ in the evenings is a timely and welcome reminder that winter has all but absconded and while the cold chill is still with us, the bright evenings are sowing the seeds for better things to come. Thoughts turn to the Tidy Towns initiative, the foot soldiers get into gear as they once again voluntarily undertake to ensure pride of place in their respective communities.
As with any army, new recruits are always welcome and perhaps, this may be the year that inspires us to join up and play our part! It is, after all, the year of The Gathering and, judging by the enthusiasm being shown in certain quarters, we just might be in for that hoped-for influx of visitors. Wouldn’t it be nice then to have your town or village looking the best it has in years?
For those who buy into the Tidy Towns initiative, they will know the importance of keeping streets and approach roads litter-free. It is perhaps worth noting that a single cigarette butt is noted to be ‘litter’ and has cost villages and towns dearly in the past, so perhaps we could once again appeal, firstly to those who do smoke, to dispose of their cigarette butts in the proper way and secondly, appeal to venues and outlets where people congregate to smoke, to do a regular sweep-up outside their premises.
If we all co-operate just that bit more, we can make a big difference and be proud of our own place. Let’s start today be part of the winning team!
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