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Doneraile pupils the stars of Christmas concert

A festive atmosphere dominated a recent schools’ concert in Doneraile, where young pupils put on a fantastic show for their parents.

Tuesday, 23 December 2014
12:05 PM GMT

Pupils from Doneraile primary schools (Presentation and CBS) teamed up for a Christmas concert which took place in the parish church on Wednesday, 10th December.

The youngsters came equipped with the compulsory Santa hat and proceeded to work their way through a variety of festive hymns, carols and popular Christmas classics. Showing commendable concentration, they hit all the high notes and it was no surprise that each song was greeted by sustained applause from a very supportive audience made up of parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and other relatives.

The youngsters really enjoyed the occasion and their teachers and parents were very proud of them.

Tapping in to the feel good factor that prevailed, Doneraile based members of St. Vincent de Paul held a food appeal during the concert and they got a great response - all items collected will be distributed to needy families over the holiday period.

As to be expected, holidays were much on the minds of pupils, all of whom seem certain that Santa would 'come good' on Christmas morning and deliver the requested gifts.

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