Irish Water is to begin winding down the domestic refunds process as 95% of cheques have been issued to customers since late November.
Over the coming weeks Irish Water will make a final appeal to customers who have yet to receive their domestic water charges refunds to update their details either via the online portal at https://www.water.ie/for-home/refunds/ or by calling 1850 448 448.
According to Head of Customer Operations for Irish Water Eamon Gallen, the response of customers to appeals to update their details has been considerable.
“As the refunds process comes to an end, Irish Water are pleased that over 95% of refund cheques have been issued with the assistance of our customers. Our refunds page on the Irish Water website had almost half a million hits, our call centre dealt with over 90,000 calls and over 90% of those were to up-date personal or account details.
“While the response from the public has been considerable, we still do have outstanding accounts where incomplete addresses or accounts registered, for example, as ‘The Occupier’ meaning that we cannot issue the cheque which must go to a named account holder.”
“Anyone who has yet to receive a cheque from Irish Water for the refund of their domestic water charges should contact us urgently on 1850 448 448. Correspondence addresses can also be checked and updated on line at https://www.water.ie/for-home/refunds/”.
Concluding, Mr Gallen said, “There are only a minority of cheques left to issue and we want to ensure that we can get them to the appropriate people as quickly as possible.”