Deteriorating water quality in River Bride

The River Bride in Rathcormac, view from the footbridge (Picture: Marian Roche)

A computer error at the wastewater treatment plant in Rathcormac over 24 hours in early July meant that effluent which was not fully treated was released into the River Bride, with ‘slight malodours (smells) on site’ and discoloured water. The impact on the environment because of the incident is unknown; it was reported to the Environmental Protection Agency by Uisce Éireann the day it was discovered, July 5th, after the problem began at 9.30am on the previous day.

The recent Annual Environmental Report for the wastewater treatment system in Rathcormac which was published in July this year, reveals that the plant, which has the capacity to cater for the waste generated by about 2,670 individuals, is failing to adequately treat the water. The water quality downstream of the wastewater treatment plant is also deteriorated, but the report does not say that the cause is definitely due to the treatment plant, but neither does it suggest what other factors could be responsible.

The point at which the water quality is measured is by a picnic area outside of Rathcormac on the River Bride by the footbridge; even though locally, the area is used for fishing, paddling and other amenities, the area is described by Uisce Éireann as having ‘no bathing water’.

Full story in this week’s Print & Digital Edition