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Decision due shortly on motorway service station

A decision is due shortly on the first of two applications for major motorway service station developments in Fermoy and Mitchelstown.

Friday, 24 January 2014
7:45 AM GMT

A decision is due in two weeks time from An Bord Pleanala on the first of two applications for major motorway service station developments in Fermoy and Mitchelstown.

The planning appeals board is to due to issue its judgement on the service station planned for Gortroe/Moorepark West on January 31.

Permission for the motorway service station at Junction 14 of the M8 along with a new entrance and roundabout on to the R639 regional route was granted by Cork County Council to JR Oronco Ltd., owned by local businessman Richie O'Flynn, Operations Director at South Coast Logistics and Jimmy Hanlon, owner of an engineering company.

Their planned development on the 4.6 acre site comprises a convenience store and deli, a drive-through restaurant, showers, toilets, playground, and a picnic area as well as parking spaces for over 100 cars, 14 trucks and two coaches, a car wash, and charging point for electric cars.

Richie O'Flynn said previously there is substantial need for such facilities on the southern stretch of the M8 motorway. If it gets the go ahead, the €5m development would create jobs at the construction phase and an estimated 70 to 100 part and full-time jobs when operating.

Objectors to the plan include Applegreen Service Areas who are behind the application for the proposed similar development at Brigown, Mitchelstown, and the owner and operators of Amber Service Station, Fermoy. Invited appellants include the NRA, Failte Ireland and the Heritage Council. 

The second appeal, to the proposed Applegreen development, is due for decision in late February. JR Oronco are among the objectors to that proposed development.

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