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Additional on-road markings have been sanctioned for a dangerous stretch of road at Johnstown, Glanworth, the Fermoy Local Area Electoral committee was told on Tuesday. The matter was raised by Cllr Frank O’Flynn who asked that Cork County Council further investigate and improve the road surface and put advance road warning signage in place, as that stretch continues to be the scene of regular accidents. His motion had the support of Cllr Noel McCarthy.
Area engineer Brendan O’Gorman said the whole section needs to be realigned but there’s no funding to do it. Cllr O’Keefe said there was an accident at the spot on Friday last, making it three in one week. “Someone will be killed there,” he warned.
The engineer said however that was down to driver error – people going too fast. “The road surface is ok,” he said.
Cllr O’Keefe disagreed however. He asked if bigger signs could be put up. The engineer agreed to consider an extra ‘slow’ road marking there.
The engineer further advised that the additional on-road markings sanctioned since before Christmas couldn’t be done because of bad weather. Advance warning signs and warning chevrons are in place at the spot, he pointed out, saying they’d be complemented with two new signs in the coming weeks. The road has been highlighted to senior management but unfortunately it would be in competition with two dozen other roads in the county in looking for major realignment project funding, he said, adding that he would continue to push for the resources to do it.
Councillor O’Keefe told the Avondhu on Wednesday that there had been another two accidents on the stretch of road since their meeting, one on Tuesday night and one on Wednesday morning.
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