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Michael O’Connor, a member of Rathcormac Game and Wildlife Club, last week reached the top of Croagh Patrick in County Mayo, along with his granddaughter Sarah O'Connor, helping to raise funds for the Sinead Kearney Lyme Treatment fund.
The climb had to be cancelled last month due to unsafe weather conditions. However, as the O’Connor’s were undertaking the climb to help fundraise for local girl Sinead Kearney, who is suffering from Lyme Disease, they were determined not to leave their sponsors down and had a second go at the challenge.
Michael, aged 70, has been doing the climb for the past 40 years and Sarah is now aiming for the same ambitious target.
All Rathcormac Game and Wildlife Club members are currently fundraising for the cause and would appreciate as much support as possible. Donations can be given to Michael 087-2603783 or any club members for another 2 weeks.
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